The main goal during the curing phase is to guarantee that the cement hydration proceeds successfully in order to achieve the maximum strength potential of the concrete mix. The two most important things to avoid are moisture loss and excessive temperatures.

Prevent Moisture Loss

There are many curing techniques to maintain water content and prevent moisture loss in casted concrete: 

These help to preserve the moisture within the concrete and assure that the cement will hydrate fully. Cured concrete has a higher final strength, reduced risk of surface cracking and higher durability than concrete that has not been cured.

Monitor Concrete Temperature

To be able to check if the measures are effective, continuous checks of the curing and temperature are important. This can be done with data loggers or, an even better  option, using wireless concrete sensors. These can be used to measure and monitor the concrete temperature, maturity and strength development continuously. Doing this will allow you to take the required actions to prevent big temperature differentials, surface drying or accelerated rate of hydration. This will minimize the risk of thermal cracking, drying shrinkage and surface flaking all of which can affect the durability and strength of your concrete.