No data received

Last update: 09/04/2024
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There are different factors that could cause the lack of data. In the instructions below, we will guide you through the steps to identify and solve the problem. 

1. Is the transmitter working?

If you are not receiving data, there might be a problem with the transmitter itself. To verify that this is working and transmitting data, follow the steps: 

a. Connect a type K thermocouple into the transmitter and look if the LED is lighting up.

Plug Type K Thermocouple in Orbit K

If the transmitter is working correctly, the transmitter’s LED should light up and transmit a message to the cloud within ~20 seconds. If your transmitter’s LED is lighting up, go to step b directly. 

If it is not working correctly, the LED will be off even when the thermocouple is connected. If this is the case, the thermocouple could be faulty or the transmitter might have no battery. 

  • Connect a different thermocouple cable (type K) and repeat step a. again. 
  • Replace the transmitter’s batteries with new ones. If you have a Gaia 200, you can change the transmitter’s batteries (refer to page 5 in the Gaia Start Guide). If you have an Orbit K, then please contact us for further instructions. After the new batteries are in, repeat step a. again and see if the transmitter’s LED lights up now.

b. Check if the transmitter is sending data to the cloud:

  1. Log in to your Maturix account (either In-Situ or Precast)
  2. Go to the “Device Manager” tab, located in the left side menu.
  3. Look at the “Latest Measurement” column, to see if the transmitter sent data when you connected the thermocouple. 

If you connected the thermocouple (e.g. ~4 minutes ago) but under “Latest Measurement” it states a much longer time period (+30 min difference) there might be a lack of Sigfox coverage. Continue to the next section to solve the problem. 

2. Are you connected to the Sigfox network?

For the Maturix system to work well, it is important that the transmitters have a stable connection to the Sigfox network (Cloud). If there is no Sigfox connection, the data from the transmitters will not get to the Maturix software. Follow the steps below, to check if your transmitters have Sigfox coverage:

If you do not have a Sigfox gateway: 

  1. Check the Sigfox coverage at your location here by entering your project site’s address. 
  2. If your project is in an area without Sigfox coverage, you will need to get a Sigfox Gateway to create coverage at your location. Contact us or your local reseller to get one.

If you have a Sigfox gateway: 

  1. If the measurements are not appearing in the software and you already have a Sigfox Gateway, this might not be configured correctly. Follow the steps outlined below (2.1) to identify the issue.

2.1 Is the Sigfox Gateway working correctly?

On the top left side of your gateway, there is an LED. Look at the LED’s colour and then click on the option to get specific instructions.

The LED is …

Green - Solid

Meaning: In operation

Your Gateway is up and running and your transmitters are covered by the Sigfox network.

If the LED is lighting solid green but you are still not receiving data, contact your direct reseller for support or contact us.


Meaning: The Gateway is not powered

Make sure the station is powered (LED must be green or orange)



If it is not lighting, make sure that the cables are connected correctly:


After you have reconnected the cables, the LED should light up. If everything is okay, the Gateway’s LED should light green after around 4 minutes. If this lights up in another colour, select the colour option from this list and follow the instructions. 

Red - Solid

Meaning: Power on

Your Gateway is powering on. If the light remains red after 2 minutes, your Gateway may need replacement. Contact your local reseller for support or Contact us.

Green - Flashing

Meaning: Booting up (30 – 60 seconds)

If the flashing continues for more than 2 minutes, contact your direct reseller for support or fill our Support form.

Orange - Flashing

Meaning: Establishing connectivity

If the flashing continues after 1 minute, the Ethernet port or USB dongle may be disconnected. Follow the steps in this article to fix the problem.

Orange - Solid

Meaning: Establishing VPN connection

If the LED colour remains after 1 minute, there might be a problem with your network configuration. Follow the steps in this article to fix the problem.


If you try the steps outlined in the article mentioned above and it still does not work, your station might not be registered correctly. Contact your local reseller for support or fill our Support form.

Purple- Solid

Meaning: Warming up (temp < 0°C) or Cooling down (temp >55 °C)

The external temperature is too extreme. While your station is in cooling/warming mode, it is not in service.


3. Still having trouble?

If you have tried everything in sections 1 and 2 but the problem persists, please contact us using the contact form below. We will help you to solve the problem. 

Contact Support

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