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Maturix Gateway kit

Continuous real-time data from any job site

Our gateway kit includes a gateway, 5 x 5 meters type K thermocouples, and 1 hour of on boarding, to help you best get started. The Sigfox Access Station Nano (Sigfox Gateway) is a wireless communication hub that transfers data from the Maturix transmitters to the Internet. It connects to the cloud through existing LAN infrastructure, WiFi, or using cellular networks.

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About the Maturix Gateway kit

The Maturix Gateway Kit includes a weather and waterproof case, NAP7, SIM-card and a back up battery. The NAP7 is a wireless communication hub that transfers data from the Maturix transmitters to the Internet. It connects to the cloud through existing LAN infrastructure, WiFi or using cellular networks.

The NAP7 establishes instant network coverage at your job site, allowing you to use Maturix at locations with no or limited Sigfox reception. This gives you continuous real-time data at any time, from anywhere.

A single gateway covers most construction sites and is capable of collecting data from all of your Maturix devices on site. The maximum signal range between gateway and transmitters is up to 700 meters, depending on the conditions*.
Readings from the transmitters are automatically collected by the NAP7, uploaded instantly, and stored in the cloud. You can view the data in the Maturix software – and receive alarms about critical temperature or strength values.

How it works

The Maturix Gateway Kit is an essential component of the Maturix system. It bridges the gap between the transmitters and the cloud in areas with no or limited Sigfox coverage. 

  1.  The Maturix transmitters wirelessly send data (Sigfox radio messages) 
  2. The gateway receives the messages and forwards them to the Internet (through a network cable or cellular networks via a SIM card dongle)
  3. The data is stored in the cloud – and is available in the Maturix software

Good coverage is required for the Maturix system to work. The gateway creates coverage where you need it!

Learn more about the wireless signal range using the Maturix Gateway Kit…

About the type K thermocouples

The Type K Thermocouples are sensors that measure temperature at the cable’s tip and are intended for concrete temperature and strength monitoring. You’ll firstly have to install the thermocouple and then connect it to a Maturix transmitter, after which the temperature data will be sent continuously to the cloud.

About the 1-hour of onboarding

When you purchase a gateway kit, you can book a 1-hour onboarding session with us. This session ensures you have everything you need to get started with monitoring your projects, setting you up for success from the very beginning.

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Technical specifications for the NAP7, for more information visit our help center.

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Maturix Gateway Kit

NAP7, waterproof and weather-durable case, SIM card, and +24-hour backup battery
Casper at Maturix

Get in contact with

Casper Harlev

You can contact Casper Harlev by phone, email, or LinkedIn if you want help finding out whether Maturix is the right solution for your project.

Casper at Maturix