Maturity calibration

To estimate the concrete strength using the maturity method, you need to make a maturity calibration.

The aim of performing a maturity calibration is to find the relationship between time, temperature, and strength for each concrete mix design that you intend to use. This relationship is called the strength-maturity relationship and is established in a laboratory.

Once you have found the strength-maturity relationship for your specific concrete mix, you can use this to estimate the in-place strength of the concrete at your job site.

Table of Contents

Calibration procedure

The procedure for making a proper maturity calibration is well described in the ASTM C1074 standard practice. We recommend you to read this and become familiar with all the details on how to make a successful calibration.

Required equipment

How to perform a maturity calibration

1. Prepare the samples

Prepare at least 15 samples so that you are able to perform tests at minimum five different test ages. Three samples are needed for each test age, two for the actual tests and the third in case the difference between the two first test results is higher than 10% from their average.

The samples must be prepared according to standard procedures for making and curing concrete test samples in the laboratory or in the field.

Graphical representation of the 15 cylinders.

2. Embed temperature sensors

Embed temperature sensors in at least two of the samples. The sensors must be placed within ±15 mm of the center.

graphical representation of the 15 samples with embedded temperature sensors.

3. Connect data loggers or transmitters

Connect a data logger or transmitter to the temperature sensors as soon as possible. These will record the temperature history, which will be used to calculate the maturity.

Graphical reprenetation of the 15 samples with the embedde temerature sensors

4. Cure the samples

Once the samples have been prepared, cure all of them according to standard procedures and under the same conditions, e.g. in a water bath or moist room.

It is important to have the same curing conditions for all the samples in order to obtain a correct correlation between the strength and maturity.

Concrete samples in water bath.

5. Perform compression tests

For the first test age, break two samples and note down the compressive strength for each of them. Also note down the date and time. Finally, calculate the average strength for the samples.

Break tests results table.
If you are using thermocouples, the consensus is that you can break test all three samples. If you are using bigger temperature sensors, test the two samples that are not instrumented.

6. Determine the maturity

Find the related maturity value at the time of the compression tests. When you have determined the maturity for each of the instrumented samples, calculate the average maturity of these.

7. Determine the strength-maturity relationship

You have now determined the strength-maturity relationship for your first test age. This consists of:

  1. The average compressive strength found through the break testing
  2. The average maturity found by calculating the maturity from the temperature history up until the time of the test


Now find the strength-maturity relationship for the remaining test ages by repeating the last three steps above.

Test age


(days at 20 °C)










Once you are finished with all the test ages, gather the results in a table. Each test age shows the correlation between the average compressive strength and the average maturity.

The values in the table are just an example. Your results might look very different than these depending on the concrete mix you are using.

Test age


(days at 20 °C)

Strength (MPa)
















8. Create the maturity curve

Plot the maturity vs. strength for each test age and create the best fitting curve.

If you are using Maturix, enter the maturity vs. strength into the software, and it will automatically create the maturity curve.
Maturity Curve with points.

You can now use the maturity calibration to estimate the in-place strength of the concrete at your job site.

Read our Estimate In-field Concrete Strength with the Maturity Method article to learn more.

Further reading

If you want to see a step-by-step explanation about how to make a maturity calibration using Maturix:

If you use Maturix In-Situ:

If you use Maturix In-Situ:

Read more articles:
Casper at Maturix

Get in contact with

Casper Harlev

You can contact Casper by phone, email, or LinkedIn if you want help finding out whether Maturix is the right solution for you.

Casper at Maturix