Setting up their facility is required, as it will make it possible for the system to know at which workstation (mold, bed, etc.) a concrete element is being produced. Workstations are collected into zones, which can be an entire production hall or a specific area where a certain type of precast product is produced.
How to create a zone
- Click on Facility in the menu
- Click on Edit facility in the top-right corner
- Click on New zone in the top-right corner and fill out the pop-up box
- Name: Give your production zone a name
- Width: Enter the width of the zone
- Length: Enter the length of the zone
- Click on Save changes to create the zone
How to add a workstation to a zone
- Find the zone you want to add workstations to (Menu > Facility)
- Click on Add workstation and fill out the pop-up box
- Name: Give your workstation a name
- Width: Enter the width of the workstation
- Length: Enter the length of the workstation
- Click on Save changes to create the workstation
How to position workstations in a zone
- Find the zone you want to position workstations within (Menu > Facility)
- Click on Position workstation
- Drag the workstations from the grey area in the bottom (the workstations not yet positioned) to the grey area in the top (the zone).
- Once you have positioned all your workstations within the zone click on Save in the top-right corner