In this article, you will learn how you can start and stop monitorings. In the video below, we explain to you how to start a monitoring. To learn how to stop it and finish the cast report read the instructions below the video.
Start a monitoring
- Click on “Casts” in the menu
- Find the monitoring you want to start and click on “Start monitoring“
- Choose the correct device from the dropdown (or make sure that the already selected device is the correct one)
- Click on “Start“
Do the above steps for all the monitorings you want to start.
Stop a monitoring
- Click on “Casts” in the menu
- Find the monitoring you want to stop and click on “Stop monitoring”
- Confirm by clicking on “Stop monitoring” in the pop-up box
Do the above steps for every monitoring you want to stop.
Finish cast report
Once all the monitorings on a cast have been stopped, you can finish the cast report.
- Click on “Casts” in the menu
- Find the cast you want to finish and open it by clicking on its name
- Click on “Finish cast report” in the top
- Confirm by clicking on “Finish cast” in the pop-up box
Before you finish the cast report, make sure that you have done the needed edits using the Data Editor.