How to add, edit and remove users in your organisation

Last update: 15/06/2022
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Add Users to the Organisation

  1. Click onĀ OrganisationĀ in the menu
  2. Click onĀ Assign Users to Organisation
  3. Write the email of the user you want to invite and press Enter
  4. Select the User Role (Learn more…)
  5. Click onĀ Save changes

The persons invited will receive an email with an invitation to join the organisation.

If you want to invite a user to a specific project only, see the article How to add, edit and remove users on a project.

Change a user’s role in your organization

  1. Click onĀ OrganisationĀ in the menu
  2. Find the user you want to edit and click on Edit
  3. Choose a new role from the dropdown under “User Role”
  4. Click onĀ Save changes

Remove users from your organization

  1. Click onĀ OrganisationĀ in the menu
  2. Find the user you want to remove and click on Edit
  3. Click onĀ Remove from organisation
  4. Confirm the removal by ticking the checkbox and clickingĀ Remove user